When: Wednesday, April 25, 2018, 9:30 am – 12 Noon
Where: Noblesville Nazarene Church, 1391 Greenfield Avenue, Noblesville, IN 46060
How: RSVP for lunch sponsored by AARP Indiana at 317.674.8777
Who: Sponsored by AARP, Senior Medicare Patrol, Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County and the Indiana Secretary of State’s Office. Emcee Chuck Lofton, WTHR Meteorologist.
Why: An important component of financial fitness is fraud prevention. This program, one of the many free financial education events as part of national Money Smart Week, will help you and your loved ones avoid becoming a victim of all types of fraud—consumer, investment and health care fraud. The Chicago Federal Reserve Bank started Money Smart Week more than 10 years ago, and now, financial institutions, government agencies, non-profits, libraries and schools all join forces to raise awareness about financial education and provide resources for the public at large.
According to a Virginia Tech study about elder financial abuse, the annual loss suffered by senior victims of financial fraud is estimated to be $2.9 billion dollars. Medicare fraud, waste and “improper payments” are estimated to be $90 billion per year. Consumer fraud targeting seniors is the crime of the 21st Century. The research is clear – seniors are a preferred target of fraudsters, and there are several reasons for this:
- Seniors are polite.
- Fraudsters know they have money having saved their whole lives and built nest eggs.
- Many seniors are reluctant to report financial abuse to law enforcement.
We will air $CAMMED: Investment Fraud Revealed, a short film produced by the Indiana Secretary of State’s office focused on investment fraud. We will also have panelists that can address other areas in which seniors can fall victim or may need assistance including investment fraud, consumer fraud, health care fraud, prosecution of fraudsters, protections for older adults, and how the aging brain affects decision making. The panelists include:
- Kelly Griese from the Indiana Secretary of State’s office will discuss investment fraud scams as well as methods of prevention.
- Steven Frank from the Indiana Attorney General’s office will review the latest consumer fraud trends and how fraudsters are prosecuted.
- Mary Guerriero Austrom, MD, from the Indiana Alzheimer Disease Center will address how the brain affects our decision-making as we age.
- Sarah Everett, Esq., from Indiana Legal Services/LAVA Project will cover legal resources available to seniors and vulnerable adults.
- Mandla Moyo from AARP Indiana will advise on national and local fraud trends per the AARP Fraud Watch Network.
- Nancy Moore from the Indiana Senior Medicare Patrol will cover how to detect and report Medicare fraud.
For questions about this event or senior fraud prevention, contact Nancy Moore at nmoore@iaaaa.org or 317.205.9201 x 207.