Source: www.longtermscorecard.org/2017-scorecard
On June 14, the new Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) State Scorecard revealed that both Indiana and the nation need to pick up the pace of change related to their long-term services and supports systems and outcomes.
The LTSS Scorecard ranks states on 23 indicators over the five domains of:
- Affordability and Access
- Choice of Provider and Setting
- Quality of Life and Quality of Care
- Support for Family Caregivers
- Effective Transitions
This year’s report found, “Overall, states have made incremental improvements, but must pick up the pace of change to meet the needs of a growing number of people aging and living with disabilities,” and that, “The pace of change on most indicators has been slow and uneven. While there has been more improvement than decline, few states achieved meaningful change…on most of the 23 measures that can be tracked over time.”
Since the previous scorecard, Indiana’s performance improved in six indicators and declined in three, with the remaining indicators unchanged or lacking comparison data. Despite improvements in a number of indicators, Indiana’s rank fell to 51st out of all states and the District of Columbia.
The Indiana Division of Aging will hold public hearings on the modernization of Indiana’s home and community-based services system July 17-18, 2017, at the Indiana Government Center. Register in advance to provide oral testimony or email your written comments on or before July 19, 2017.